Roadshow Altice is an initiative, powered by GEMA, that brings technology closer to people of all age groups.
Inside our moving truck, we have 8 solutions:
Knowledge furniture: This solution allows users to get to know the 4 areas of activity of Altice – Education, Art, Social and Entrepreneurship – with a touch screen to explore the company’s website and explanatory videos about these themes.
Special needs solutions: Interactive solutions designed for people with different necessities, such as motor disabilities, blindness, visual handicap and cognitive impairment.
Augmented reality: two art pieces, explained with the help of voice over, that allows users to know information about a city, such as important monuments, while pointing a tablet to them.
Interactive wall: An interactive wall about entrepreneurship, that helps people build their own business. Inspiration, idea development and business expansion are the three main phases.
Wizard: A quiz with questions that teaches users the dangers of the internet and ways to communicate safely, resourcing to a virtual wizard that comes to life and interacts with visitors.
Interactive Tables: Campus and Khan Academy are two platforms developed for students, parents and teachers. Campus is a social network in which teachers upload information and exercises, as well as helpful content that students can download, work on them and then upload them again. Khan Academy is a platform dedicated to math exercises for kids, as its progress can be controlled by parents and teachers.
Virtual reality: A virtual simulation of the Altice Foundation Museum for people with special needs, allowing them to see the museum without leaving the house.
Dome: An inflatable dome with different videos to present the project to visitors.