Working Animals Wanted
Would you like to join our family? Send us an email.
Degree in Civil Engineering
Proven experience – 8 years in project management (Museums and Multimedia is valued)
Experience with projects supervision
Teamwork and working under pressure
Organization and planning
Submit your application with CV to
[email protected]
Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, related field or similar experience
Proven experience – 3 years in Mobile Development
Expertise with iOS/Android native technologies
Proven record of Apps Store deployments
Knowledge of Design patterns
Good understanding of collaboration tools like Git, of algorithms and of data structures.
Experience with REST APIs
Augmented Reality
Experience with unit testing and/or automated testing frameworks
Push Notifications
Submit your application with CV and portfolio to
[email protected]
Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science related field or similar experience
Proven experience – 3 years in Android development (Android SDK, JAVA, Android Studio)
Proficient in Java and maybe even in Kotlin
Proven record of Play Store deployments
Knowledge of Design patterns
Understanding of collaboration tools like Git
Experience with REST APIs
Augmented Reality
Experience with unit testing and/or automated testing frameworks
Push Notifications
Submit your application with CV and portfolio to
[email protected]
Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, related field or similar experience
Proven experience – 3 years of iOS Development and Apps Store deployments
Knowledge of Design patterns
Understanding of collaboration tools like Git
Experience with REST APIs
Augmented Reality
Experience with unit testing and/or automated testing frameworks
Push Notifications
Submit your application with CV and portfolio to
[email protected]
Proven experience – content producer on Motion Graphics
Knowledge of video mapping, motion design, video post production and Vfx
Master in production tools (After Effects, Photoshop, Premium and Illustrator)
3D skills
Adaptability to dynamic environments
Creativity and autonomy in animation production
Visual culture and aesthetic sensitivity
Submit your application with CV and portfolio to
[email protected]
Didn’t match with any opportunity above? Try your spontaneous luck!